Woman sleeping outside

10 Reasons Why You May Feel Low on Energy

Do you struggle to make it through the day? Have you lost all energy? Many people say they lack the energy to do things they truly enjoy. Fortunately, help is available for these men and women, and the following are ten possible reasons why you may be feeling low on energy and how to correct the issue.

Adrenal Fatigue

Low energy often results from adrenal fatigue. The adrenal glands sit above the kidneys and produce hormones needed to maintain homeostasis. When the glands fail to perform this job, often as a result of a single stressful situation or ongoing stress, symptoms appear. The signs of adrenal fatigue include exhaustion even with sufficient sleep, a feeling of being overwhelmed or run down, difficulty recovering following an illness or stress, cravings for foods that are sweet or salty, or difficulty in rising every morning. Many individuals find they feel more awake at night, usually after 6 PM, than they do during the day. Products offering adrenal support significantly help individuals suffering from this condition.

Sleep Apnea

Countless individuals suffer from sleep apnea yet remain unaware of this condition. With this disorder, a person stops breathing while they sleep. The interruption in breathing lasts for up to ten seconds and happens repeatedly throughout the night. Men suffer from this condition most often than women, and those who are overweight remain more at risk of developing sleep apnea. Patients with sleep apnea have reported morning headaches, loud snoring, restless sleep, and depression. If you suspect that you are suffering from sleep apnea, you can visit sleep apnea clinics in cities like Calvary to undergo sleep apnea treatments. They can give you a professional diagnosis and provide you with an effective and long-lasting solution for your sleep apnea symptoms.

Poor Diet

Many Americans consume a diet laden with simple carbohydrates. Learn the difference between good carbs and bad carbs and ensure you eat more of the good kind to boost energy levels. When a person consumes mostly simple sugars and refined grains, their blood glucose levels spike and crash. This ultimately brings about fatigue and low energy. Simple changes to the diet reverse this trend and allow you to feel better once again. Increase your intake of whole grains, vegetables, and proteins to boost energy levels.

Medical Conditions

Quite a few individuals learn they have a chronic medical condition when they visit their doctor for low energy levels. Several conditions come with this symptom or side effect, including cancer and heart disease. Diabetics often find they don’t have energy, which may be due in part to fluctuating blood sugar levels. If you find you are tired a great deal of the time and you are getting enough sleep, make an appointment with your medical doctor. Although the problem might be benign and easily fixed, it’s always best to be examined to rule out more serious conditions. If a chronic condition is found, early treatment typically provides better outcomes as well.

Limited Exercise

Exercise tires a person out, but it also helps the body generate much-needed energy. Men and women who lead a sedentary lifestyle lack energy. Speak with your doctor and develop an exercise plan that meets your need and will increase your energy levels once again.  However, exercise earlier in the day, as exercising at night can disrupt sleep and leave you tired the next day.

B12 Deficiency

The body needs vitamin B12 to form red blood cells, absorb folic acid, and ensure the optimal functioning of nerve tissue. Men and women don’t develop a B12 deficiency overnight. The condition develops over a period of years, and many individuals ignore the early signs. If left untreated, the person suffers from anemia, and certain diseases contribute to the development of this condition, including short bowel syndrome and lupus. Signs of a B12 deficiency include a sore mouth or tongue, skin that is yellowish or pale, menstrual issues, and shortness of breath. Doctors diagnose this condition with nothing more than a simple blood test.

Candida Infection

The mouth and intestinal tract house candida, a type of yeast, under normal circumstances. This fungus assists with digestion and the absorption of nutrients. At times, the body increases the production of the yeast and an infection develops in the mouth, intestinal tract, and vagina. Some people observe symptoms in the mucous membranes and skin, and those with a weakened immune system are at risk of the infection moving to the blood as well as membranes around the heart and brain. Exhaustion often presents as the first symptom of candida overgrowth, and many develop thrush or bad breath. Gas and bloating along with a craving for sweets are additional signs of this overgrowth.


Individuals often overlook medications they regularly take when investigating their low energy levels. Many prescription and over-the-counter drugs bring about fatigue and low energy. The easiest way to determine if this is what ails you involves reading the label on all medications you take. In addition, certain drugs interfere with sleep. Your doctor can be of great help in changing the dosage you take or prescribing an alternative.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones play a role in energy production within the human body. When one or more hormone levels are off, the person feels tired and struggles to make it through the day. A doctor examines the patient to determine the underlying cause. Pregnancy, menopause, adrenal gland dysfunction, an overactive or underactive thyroid, and hormone replacement therapy are among the many conditions that lead to hormone imbalances. For men, low testosterone levels lead to fatigue and low energy levels, and medications help to correct this situation.


Depression might explain why your energy levels are low. Anyone who is experiencing feelings of worthlessness or helplessness and fatigue should seek medical care. Those with suicidal thoughts or ongoing physical ailments should also see a doctor and the same is true of those who either sleep all day or struggle with insomnia. All are signs of depression and need to be addressed. Men become depressed as well as women but fail to talk about the problem. As a result, they struggle with low energy, and medical attention needs to be sought.

If your energy level is on the decline, don’t delay in finding out why this is the case. With a diagnosis, it becomes much easier to find the right treatment to fix the situation. Don’t delay, as low energy levels have a negative impact on your quality of life. You don’t want that.