Physical therapist helping eliminate shoulder pain

Easy Ways To Prevent Shoulder Pain [Infographic Guide]

Nowadays, shoulder pain is a common joint problem that can affect anyone at least once in a lifetime. For instance, last year, approximately 20% of people aged 18 and over, reported experiencing sudden sharp shoulder pain. Needless to say, it’s difficult to maintain a normal daily rhythm when you can’t move properly. Here is how you can prevent this issue and manage shoulder pain if needed:

Keep your body in a good shape

To strengthen muscles, make sure to work out regularly and stick to a healthy diet. Every time before you start working out, warm up your body.

Also, listen to your body: if you feel pain in your shoulder, don’t ignore the sign.

Ways to deal with shoulder pain

There are a few ways to manage shoulder pain at home. First of all, you can try applying a cold compress a few times per day. Make sure not to apply an ice pack directly to your skin.

Secondly, you can also try heat therapy. You can wrap a hot water bottle in a towel and apply it to your skin. To relax tense muscles, you can also use a heating pad or heated gel pack.

If your shoulder pain doesn’t go away after two weeks, make sure to visit a doctor (physiotherapist or surgeon).

Also, consider looking for some medical supplies online. For example, shoulder bandage can be very helpful after injury.

Learn more about common shoulder injuries and the ways to help yourself and in the infographic below:

Infographic guide for dealing with shoulder pain


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