Picture of a woman who is stressed out

5 Ways to Reduce Stress for a Better Life

Stress has become one of the most common health issues these days. As mentioned by statistics, more than 300 million people around the world suffer from stress and symptoms of depression; whereas, approximately 200 million people suffer from anxiety disorders. The ratio is increasing at an alarming rate, especially among young people and students.

Stress is an all-consuming problem that eventually leads you towards depression if left untreated. Fortunately, stress is treatable. No matter how stressed you are or how anxious you feel at the moment, it can be resolved with a few lifestyle changes. Read on to know some essential tips and tricks that you can follow to manage your everyday stress:

1. Back to Basics – Exercise

As a matter of fact, exercise is considered the most inexpensive remedy to treat anxiety and stress. Exercise on a regular basis can help increase the level of endorphins in your bloodstream. Endorphins are chemicals responsible for your mood; therefore, an increase in endorphins means a happier mood and calmer state of mind.

Adding exercise to your everyday routine can bring along countless benefits for both, your physical and mental health. If your hectic schedule doesn’t allow you to go to the gym every day, minimize it to three days a week or simply take out an hour in the morning and exercise at home. Make sure to stay consistent in everything you do. Remember, consistency is the key here!

2. Herbal Remedies

A psychiatrist or mental health physician often prescribes antidepressants to treat stress and anxiety. They work immediately by promoting calming effects, but they bring along a list of side effects when used for a long time. Hence, natural herbs are the solution to stress. They work slowly, but they have minimal to no side effects.

As stated by the Calm Clinic, herbal medicine can make you learn valuable strategies to cope with anxiety, which makes them even more beneficial. For example, Lemon Balm can instantly improve your mood and decrease your levels of stress. It can be consumed in the form of tea. It not just promotes calmness but increases mental clarity as well.

Apart from that, you can also try lavender, saffron, kava root and medical marijuana. Yes, you got that right! Medical marijuana brings along several benefits for stress and anxiety relief. According to research, a single puff of medical marijuana can decrease your anxiety level to a significant degree.

3. Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol

Alcohol is considered a depressant, and according to science, it is one of the culprits behind the deep down depression you experience. Caffeine is another substance that contributes to your depression, but it works differently than alcohol. Since caffeine tolerance level varies for everyone, one cannot be sure about the side effects. But if you experience feelings of anxiousness, sweating or palpitations right after having coffee or any other beverage with caffeine or alcohol, you need to cut back on them right away.

4. Go Out – Socialize

As mentioned by research, introverts are more likely to fall into depression than extroverts. Staying indoors, all by yourself, thinking about all the things that went wrong in the past and the ones that could go wrong in the future only increases your stress. An empty mind is a devil’s workshop; therefore, going out and socializing always help.

Meet your friends and talk to them about how you feel. Talking your heart out can help you feel instantly better and less stressed. Keep yourself as busy as you can, indulge in more and more positive activities like painting, gardening and more. They’ll help you get rid of stress and anxiety naturally.

5. Limit Your Cellphone Use

Lastly, limit your internet and cellphone use. Disconnect from all those things that increase your insecurities and contribute to your stress. You need to shield yourself from the stressors first, consider this one major step towards a happy and peaceful life. It is particularly great for treating insomnia. Cellphones, especially internet surfing, is one significant culprit behind a sleepless night. If you MUST use your cell phone, then consider using a mindfulness app instead of browsing the web or watching videos.

Block every channel that increases your stress, try and live in the moment and be thankful for everything you have been blessed with. Good Luck!

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