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The Best Supplements for Joint Health

As we age from young adulthood, to middle age, to our later years, there are some parts of the body that we have to be extra careful to protect and keep healthy if we want to enjoy the most that all of life has to offer.

One of those parts of the body are the joints. Joints are located all over the body and are crucial when it comes to the overall health of our legs, arms, hands and much more.

For that reason, you are going to want to know all about the top products that can encourage and maintain joint health throughout your entire life. Luckily, you have absolutely come to the right place, visit Simply Nutrient to learn more about the benefits of using supplements! Let’s break down some of the best supplements to consider for your joint health together.

Pure Encapsulations MotilPro

One of the best and most comprehensive options out there when it comes to promoting joint health is the Pure Encapsulations MotilPro. These supplements are filled with Vitamin B, Ginger extract, free-form Acetyl-L-Carnitine and more. What this supplement does not include, however, are some of the allergens that are common in many popular supplements.

This supplement is most keenly aimed at promoting health of the gastrointestinal tract as well as strengthening the bond between the gut and the brain. On top of that, it is meant to promote smooth and coordinated muscle contraction, to make sure that the major muscle groups in your body, and the joints that they work with, are operating at the very best of their capabilities.


This is a naturally occurring component of the cartilage that is found in all of the joints of our body. Cartilage is used to prevent bones from rubbing up against one another and causing pain and inflammation.

Glucosamine is an ingredient that is found in many different supplements aimed at aiding joint health. When taken over a longer period of time, glucosamine is meant to slow down the progressions of osteoarthrosis and it is also believed to slow down the process of narrowing joint space.


SAMe or S-adenosyl-L-methionine is a supplement that is very often used to help symptoms of osteoarthrosis and – interestingly – depression. SAMe is created naturally in the body’s liver from an amino acid called methionine. While it has several functions, its primary function that matters when it comes to joint health is the production and repair of cartilage.


Much like the aforementioned glucosamine, chondroitin is considered to be a key building block of cartilage within the body. In fact, a large number of clinical studies have found that chondroitin can reduce both joint pain and stiffness in people who suffer from osteoarthritis. In over half of the people in one study, they reported a 20 percent improvement of knee pain that they were suffering from.

On top of that, it is believed to slow down the narrowing of joint space when it is taken consistently for up to two years.


If you are looking to focus on something that is a little easier to pronounce, turmeric is one of the most popular supplements that people turn to in order to treat chronic joint pain caused by osteoarthritis.

When it comes to turmeric, it’s pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects are typically attributed to the chemical compound that occurs naturally within turmeric called curcumin.

One thing to keep in mind is that unlike the previously mentioned supplements, there is not a wealth of research that has been done on the science and medical-based benefits of turmeric when it comes to joint pain. Still, it has to be mentioned that an analysis of studies related to turmeric and treating joints has shown that it is more effective than a placebo and may even be comparable to the impacts that taking ibuprofen can have when it comes to pain and inflammation.


As you can see, there are a lot of different options that you can consider when you are looking to improve your joint health now and in the future. No matter what you end up going with, your future self will surely thank you for making joint health a priority as you continue to age going forward!