Mother, father, and two children laying on a bed smiling

5 Ways For Parents to Ensure Child Safety During the Epidemic

The Covid-19 epidemic has gotten the majority of the world’s population concerned about their safety. Individuals have improved their hygiene, even spent money on certain materials just to stay safe. If you are a parent or have kids in your care, you undoubtedly love your kids and feel a deep sense of responsibility towards their safety.

Especially during this epidemic that they are always at home, you want to do your best to ensure that they are safe not just from the virus ravaging outside but also from hazards right there at home.

Below are five important cautions every parent must know for their kids’ safety, especially during this epidemic. As you read, think of practical ways to take each caution in your home.

  1. Identify Potential Risks

Thousands of people die each year because of home injuries, showing how fatal an injury at home can be. As a parent, it should be your primary concern to prevent home injuries as much as possible. Your kids will not automatically stay clear from situations that can cause them harm, no matter how obedient or easy-going they may seem. So as a number one rule of caution, identify potential risks.

It is necessary to first identify things that put your kid’s safety at risk and then prevent or correct them. Due to the epidemic, hand sanitizers, face masks, and soap are now common features in most houses. While these things help us stay safe from the virus, their misuse could pose a threat to kids’ safety. Once you identify these seemingly harmless materials as potential risks, it becomes easier to store them appropriately and prevent a major cause of home injuries, poisoning.

  1. Supervise Your Kids

While it is important to identify and prevent potential harm causes in the home, it is equally important to supervise your kids. Even after you think you have removed all hazards, your kid’s safety might still be at risk; we are imperfect after all. So, ensure that your kids are supervised either directly by you or by a trusted adult.

Monitor their use of hand sanitizers, face masks, soap, and similar necessary materials that have the potential to cause them harm. Even after you have explained to them the proper use, make it a point of duty to supervise your kids.

  1. Beware of Mobile Devices

The internet might appear to be a secure refuge to hide away while the lockdown passes by. After all, it can while away time more than anything else. Take caution, though! Do not let it take away so much of your time such that you barely have time for other important things, such as ensuring your kid’s safety. According to, children often hurt themselves with toys and gizmos while their parents are busy. Be careful that this does not become your case. A practical step to take could be to limit the time you spend on your device per day and stick to it.

Keep in mind also that children learn a lot by observing. The more time they see you spend on your phone or laptop, the more time they are likely to spend on their own if/when they have one. This could lead to addiction to their devices, which is not safe for their mental health.

  1. Keep the Home Safe

Your home should be the safest place for your child. When cluttered, however, it can become the direct opposite. So for your kids’ safety, ensure to always keep your home free of clutter. Remove and dispose of unnecessary objects that can cause falls around the house. Because kids are home full time, there is every tendency for them to scatter the house more frequently than usual. Keeping the house clutter-free can, therefore, be very tiring, but it is definitely worth the effort.

Here’s a tip, though; teach your kids to assist with simple chores according to their age. It could be as simple as picking things when they fall or doing part of the dishes. That way, you will be relieved of some duties. Additionally, when kids feel the effort invested in keeping the house safe and clean, they are less likely to scatter the home thoughtlessly.

Remember that keeping the home safe goes beyond just removing clutter. It involves other things such as securing all openings in the house, keeping a first aid box handy, fixing smoke alarms, and ensuring that electrical outlets are childproofed.

  1. Teach and Practice Hygiene

While you do everything to keep your kids safe in the house, remember that the virus is still out there, and it is real. With the decrease in lockdown restrictions, you are likely to have few visitors at home. So, teach your kids the importance of handwashing and practice what you teach. Let them see you wash and sanitize your hands regularly and encourage them to do the same. Educate them on the various ways of preventing the virus, such as the use of face masks and social distancing. How often they go out or stay home depends on you, make sure that they stay home as much as possible to keep them safe.

Keep in mind their mental safety and ensure that they do not see the lockdown as being imprisoned. Engage them in games and simple indoor activities so that they stay mentally active. You can also assist them in staying socially connected by contacting friends and family through phone calls, video calls, or letter writing.


Keeping your child safe is no small job, as most parents would agree. Each action you take at home has the tendency to affect your kid’s safety, either for good or bad.

So, as you stay home to stay safe, do not forget to take the five cautions highlighted above. With that, you can be assured that you are doing your very best to help your kids stay safe!