Picture of a woman undergoing Chinese cupping therapy

What are the Benefits of Cupping?

Cupping refers to a traditional Chinese therapy founded on the belief that stagnant blood along with inefficient energy floor within the body give rise to specific health conditions. In order to fix such conditions, therapists apply cups – mostly glass or silicone on the skin. This results in pressure, which draws the skin inwardly. In most cases, the specialists place the cup on the back of the client and leave it there or slide it within using oil. This creates pressure which then pulls the blood the affected part, increasing the supply and flow of blood in general. The upsurge in blood flow brings relief from muscle tension, facilitate circulation and lessen inflammation.

The cupping technique is used to cure chronic pain, especially at the back, and headaches. It is meant to prevent musculoskeletal pain, a physical indication of chronic stress. In many cases, chronic stress is perceived as a real manifestation of you conduct yourself. Why? Because our muscles are often tensed while under stress, something that leads to physical pain. It is this pain that cupping helps to lessen. Since cupping relieves inflammation in the affected part, many individuals tend to think that it as well prevents detoxification. Usually, people suffer bodily pain due to increased inflammation. As pointed out already, cupping boosts blood flow in the affected area. This is achieved by drawing immune cells to the area to facilitate repair and recovery of the cells and tissues, ensuring that swelling effectively go down. There are studies which established that cupping is indeed effective when it comes to lessening chronic pain. Nevertheless, they are all inconclusive. Could their results be attributed to the placebo effect?

Can Cupping Really Lower Stress?

Cupping may be effective in dealing with physical stress. When combined with acupuncture, it can help lower mental stress. This is because acupuncture produces endorphins and therefore has the potential to address the principal cause of stress as well as anxiety in an all-inclusive way. Therefore, a mix of cupping and acupuncture operates synergistically to control stress from whichever area.

Even though cupping can single-handedly fight physical pain, the most effective and long lasting remedy can only be realized when combined with acupuncture. It is more sustainable this way and this is the reason experienced cupping therapists can never ever recommend cupping alone.

Cupping does not have any damage. It can be the solution to that back pain that has been plaguing you for long. You should give it a try. It is important also to mention that it will leave bruises in the areas applied. Thank God I said bruises and not tattoo-like marks. A bruise is not permanent, unlike a tattoo, and after cupping, it can only a few days or weeks to disappear. In addition, you should know that the color of the bruises vary between individuals and does not depend on, or show how successfully cupping was carried out. Also, avoid cupping in your delicate body parts to avoid tearing.

The Benefits of Cupping

Cupping therapy is very beneficial. In fact, we have already mentioned some of the benefits you can gain when applying it. Is curing physical pain and stress not beneficial? But there are more benefits that cupping provides. In fact, corresponding treatments with supporting study can be an excellent addition to western medicine. Nonetheless, no high-quality research has been carried out to prove its effectiveness. It has, however, been linked to a number of health benefits, though there is still a need for research to determine how effective it is in treatment. The following are some more benefits you can reap from cupping therapy:

  • Man getting cupping therapy on his thighPain relief. Cupping has often been cited as pain relief in a number of instances. Even though there is proof of its effectiveness, a quality study should be carried out to ascertain this further. For instance, one study found some sort of evidence when it comes to pain reduction. Yet, the authors pointed out some limits to the eminence of the study. A similar conclusion was arrived at in a study paper found in BMJ Open journal, that there is proof of cupping lessening back pain. Nonetheless, the authors were of the opinion that the research was of lower quality.
  • Skin conditions. One study paper found in PLoS One journal shows that there is evidence cupping can cure herpes zoster as well as acne. But like in the other case, the study supporting this was not that concrete. In addition, cupping prevents skin inflammation leading ton acne breakouts. Usually, the sanction is applied in the injured part and nicking the skin when getting rid of the breakout. This leads to a healthier complexion in the end. If you at a better skin condition, we recommend you look for a professional therapist, such as My Home Therapy.
  • Muscle tension relief. Cupping therapy effectively relaxes the muscle tissue and facilitates relieve of the knots. This makes the muscles looser and very flexible. Ideally, targets the muscles predisposed to tightness, among them the hamstrings and adductors as well as the back muscles.
  • Improves digestion. By relaxing the entire body, cupping facilitates digestion. Stress and anxiety often result in stagnation and congestion of our digestive system. Through cupping, stagnation is prevented, though there is a need for more research to support this assertion. Besides, a lot of digestion problems are brought about by high-stress levels. Since cupping lessens stress levels, it facilitates digestion in the end.
  • It is a good anti-aging. Apart from making an individual feel better, cupping helps to eliminate wrinkles. Using products such as lotions once the treatment has been done makes them get into the skin and nourishes it. While you may not be concerned with aging skin at the moment, trust you me in future you will be grateful for it.


While cupping is a technique you may hear little about it daily, it is a very important therapy. Probably, the use of cups may make the whole thing sound scary, there is no need to worry. The treatment takes only a few minutes. There are so many benefits that you can gain from cupping. Do not hesitate to give it a try.

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