Woman doing the downward dog yoga stance in a yoga studio

5 Everyday Tips To Experience Better Health and Wellness

The health and wellness industry is growing every day. People all over the world want to experience a more balanced lifestyle and create a positive atmosphere to live in. Granted, in order to do this, it is very challenging to create change you can actually see. The fast-food industry is rampant, sugars and fats rule the day, and time-wasters like Netflix and YouTube eliminate any type of healthy activity we could be doing. 

However, for the people who want to grab life by the horns, they know it is going to take sacrifice, education, and consistency to make this happen. In this article, we want to share five ways you can start your journey and begin experiencing better health and wellness immediately.

#1 – Use Essential Oils

The road to total health should begin in the bodily systems. More people would feel better if they understood the root causes of small problems. For instance, 60 million Americans report having acid reflux symptoms at least one time per month. 15 million Americans say they have acid reflux symptoms every day. The road to recovery is to listen to your body. Acid reflux can be very daunting to someone who faces it every day. Prescription medications can lead to other problems, even heart disease, and it is important to know alternative ways to get rid of symptoms like acid reflux. One way you can protect yourself from harmful symptoms like these is by using essential oils. Users have reported that when they take a shot of peppermint and lemongrass oil mixed with coconut water, their acid reflux symptoms decrease significantly. This is just one instance where essential oils can lead to immediate relief to your health.

#2 – Get Functional

When a problem persists, we immediately go to our family doctor to be prescribed various medications that mask the problems at hand. However, patients have reported that when learning the root cause of the problem, immediate health can be achieved. While high blood pressure may be your problem, high blood pressure medicine may not always be the solution. Health professionals like Atlant Health explain that functional medicine gathers significant patient history, surrounding personal information, and gets to the bottom of what your problem is. We don’t want a band-aid, we want a cure, and functional medicine is a great way to realize the answers to persisting problems you face with your health.

#3 – Get Ergonomic

One of the main problems people face is usually underlying causes. Check your posture when you’re standing and when you’re sitting. We are usually unaware that our posture is terrible and these can have a lasting effect on our health. Studies have shown that if you think about your posture while sitting, uncross your legs and put your feet flat on the floor, straighten your back, and take a deep slow breath. You will immediately feel the relief and de-stress flow out of your body. When your body tenses up, your posture suffers and it can lead to several problems down the road if you continue to ignore ergonomics. It has been proven that the leading cause of back problems comes from bad posture, which can be avoided.

#4 – Opt For Exercise

You already know that a daily regimen of exercise is going to help both your mind and body experience immediate health and wellness. The serotonin released while exercising has been known to reduce stress and relieve depression. Exercise is good and we all know it. However, is exercise continually on your mind? The next time you’re at work and you have to go to another floor to deliver paperwork, opt to take the stairs and not the elevator. Go out of your way to continue the process of raising your serotonin levels through exercise. Not only is it good for your mind, but your body will also thank you for it as well.

#5 – Take Some Time For You

Everyone has a chaotic schedule these days. It seems like you have barely enough time to relax for yourself but it is crucial you do so. More than likely, you are responsible for more people than just yourself and it can be tough to squeeze out some ‘me’ time when you feel guilty because there are others you are responsible for. However, Harvard University reveals that when you set aside a specific amount of time every day in which you can relax and do the things you want to do that your mind is more relaxed, less stressed, and exhibits characteristics of peace and serenity. Do what you must for your family, but when ‘me’ time comes along, make sure they understand you need some time to stay mentally healthy.

In Conclusion

Staying in balance and keeping your body and mind healthy is what we all want to achieve. It can be difficult at times because of the busy lives we lead. However, no one is going to take care of you. You have to stay consistent in searching for these health and wellness benefits and take the time you need to experience true health and wellness immediately. It doesn’t have to be in pill form. Some of the most beneficial practices your body can experience are simple daily tasks. Make sure you figure out which ones are right for you and do them.

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