Children playing outside

5 Ways to Keep Children Active and Healthy During COVID-19

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, schools across America were forced to close. While restrictions are beginning to lift, and children can return to school, athletic activities and recreation facilities remain off-limits. 

As a parent, your sole responsibility is to ensure your children are well looked after. If your kids aren’t getting as much exercise as they used to, here are five ways to encourage them to be active and healthy throughout these unprecedented times.

Get Outdoors

If you’re lucky enough to have a backyard, there are tons of health benefits your kids can receive from getting outdoors and getting fresh air in their lungs. While the government has laid out numerous restrictions regarding what you can and cannot do during the coronavirus pandemic, you’re still able to get outside and go for a walk or bike ride with your loved ones. To keep everyone safe, make sure you keep your distance from others.

Use Technology to Your Advantage

If you would prefer to keep your kids indoors during the pandemic, there are lots of ways they can keep active around the home. Thanks to technology, you can keep children healthy by trying out a virtual physical activity program. Make sure that you find an activity that your children are interested in, otherwise, they’re likely to lose motivation. Whether your kids enjoy martial arts or yoga, there are lots of online sessions that they can join in on from the comfort of your living room.

Limit Screen Time

Although technology has its benefits, if children had it their way, they would be on their smartphones and tablets from dusk till dawn. Whether they’re watching television, playing an app on their phone, or surfing the internet, make sure that you cut down screen time to make way for physical activity. If you have young children, be prepared for tantrums. However, once they begin exercising, they will notice the physical and mental benefits immediately. 

Join In

Many children look up to their parents. Being a good role model and exercising yourself will make your kids more likely to follow suit. If you speak about physical activity in a positive light, your children will trust what you say and be more inclined to exercise. There are tons of exercises and activities you can do as a family which can be a great opportunity to bond.

Include Your Kids in Household Activities 

Running and maintaining a busy household is a full-time job in itself. If your children are old enough, why not give them chores? A little help around the house can go a long way and ensure tasks are completed in a quicker time frame. Whether it’s by taking out the garbage, sweeping the kitchen floor, or making their bed, try and add an element of fun in their chores to keep them motivated.

As your children grow up, regular exercise can improve their fitness levels, boost concentration, and improve academic scores. Even though we’re currently in a worldwide pandemic, there are still lots of things you can do to keep your kids fit and active.