Mother, father, and two children laying on a bed smiling

6 Best Ways to Keep Your Family Healthy at Home

Raising a family is not exactly easy. Adults are generally busy, and so are the kids. Often, there’re many things to do in little time. But no matter how busy you are, it’s important to find time to inculcate healthy habits in the family.

Here in this post, we will discuss the six best ways to keep your family healthy at home:

1. Inculcate Healthy Eating Habits

Eating healthy doesn’t just make you look and feel better; it can also save you a good deal of money on future healthcare costs. Therefore, you should make sure that all family members eat healthy food, which should include fruits and vegetables of many colors, good fats, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoid foods that contain high amounts of added sugar and salt. Consuming sufficient fiber goes a long way to prevent bloating and gut discomfort.

When you or the kids want to snack on something, opt for healthier alternatives such as nuts, berries, and popcorn that provide nutrients and energy.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should never be skipped. Even if you don’t feel like eating anything on some days, you can always have a bit of toast or scrambled eggs in the morning. 

2. Drink More Water

Loss of fluids in the human body occurs continuously, from breathing, skin evaporation, urine, and stool. When your daily water intake is not in a direct proportion to your output, you can easily become dehydrated.

Drinking plenty of water on a daily basis helps maintain the natural balance of body fluids that play a crucial role in digestion, circulation, and absorption. Body fluids also help maintain body temperature and normal bowel function. Water also helps control calorie intake.

Make it a habit to have a beverage with every meal and snack. If you or the kids don’t want to drink more water, you can always drink other liquids such as iced tea, juice, etc. Avoid sports drinks unless you or the kids are endurance athletes.

3. Clean Up the Air

Do not ignore indoor allergens and irritants such as dust mites, pollen, pet dander, tobacco smoke, and mold. Make it a point to vacuum your home at least once every week. Use a vacuum cleaner with High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter for the best results.

You may also invest in a house air purifier, an appliance designed to cleanse the air inside your home.  Like a vacuum cleaner, air-purifier too should have a HEPA filter.

Kids’ stuffed toys should be washed on a regular basis; their beddings should be changed once every fortnight.

4. Rodent Proof Your House

Rodents such as rats and mice are more than just a nuisance; they are known to spread around 35 different diseases. Some of these diseases can be deadly in the absence of immediate medical treatment.  Various disease-causing microbes and parasites get transmitted to humans from infected rodents through rodent-bites, droppings, urine, saliva and contaminated food, water, and dust.

During winters, rats and mice are on the lookout for warmer habitats where food, water, and nesting material such as fabrics, papers, wood, grass, etc. are readily available. When you notice the signs of a rodent infestation, make sure to call a rodent control professional.

In case you are buying a new house, it is a good idea to consider undertaking a pre-purchase rodent inspection. Some properties, especially the old ones and those located near forests and grasslands are more prone to have recurring rodent infestations.

5. Reduce Screen Time

Remove all electronic screens – including televisions, laptops, desktop computers, tablets, and smartphones – from all bedrooms. This will help ensure that all family members go to bed early. When you cut back on screen time, you’re also more likely to sleep better. You can keep the television in a separate room.

6. Exercise Daily

Teach your kids the health benefits of exercise. Set aside at least 15 minutes for daily exercise or physical activity. Here’re some ideas:

  • A pre-dinner or post-dinner stroll
  • Breathing exercises after the morning shower
  • Sit-ups, squats, chin-ups or sling exercise
  • Swimming, cycling, skating or hiking

No matter how busy you are, it is always possible to find some time to keep yourself in shape. A daily exercise routine can lower the risk of several health problems.

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