Fridge full of healthy foods

10 Foods You Need In Your Fridge

Nutritionists agree that one way to support a healthy body is by nourishing it with the right food. A daily allocation of fruit, vegetables, proteins, minerals, healthy fats, dairy products, and fiber is the first step in keeping a body healthy. Besides storing food in your pantry, you’ll need a reliable refrigerator to keep perishables crisp, fresh, and safe to eat. Every refrigerator has specific shelves for different types of products in them. The idea behind this is to prevent cross-contamination and odors spreading and to maximize freshness and flavor. The best place to keep raw poultry and meat is in the chiller section of your fridge. Fridge manufacturers recommend that a fridge temperature is 41.0 °F. The lower the temperature, the safer your food will be. 

The following will highlight 10 super foodstuffs that should be regular items in your fridge-freezer because of their amazing health benefits.

10 Food Superheros to Keep in Your Fridge

1. Avocado

Avocados are the superhero of vegetables as they contain many nutrients, including 20 distinct vitamins, and minerals. (Of course, all fresh vegetables contain important nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.) The healthy monounsaturated fats present in avocados reduce inflammation. Oleic acid has a positive impact on genes that are linked to cancer. The nutrient potassium has a variety of functions within human cells. The dietary fiber in avocados helps protect us from disease, reduces blood sugar spikes, and promotes weight loss. Beta-carotene and antioxidants support cardiovascular, digestive, and skin health. 

2. Berries

Berries are the powerhouses of fruit as they are full of antioxidants that keep unstable molecules under control. Berries promote an improvement in blood sugar and insulin levels. They are a good source of fiber, low in calories, and rich in several vitamins and minerals. Reducing inflammation, decreasing cholesterol levels, maintaining artery health, and repairing signs of aging are the other benefits you’ll receive from eating berries. Besides being delicious berries protect against cancers of the esophagus, mouth, breast, and colon. Frozen berries, yogurt, and milk make yummy smoothies and go with any diet.

3. Almonds

Almonds are perfect for healthy snacks, adding to salads, or grabbing a handful. They are a good source of minerals, fiber, healthy fats, and proteins. The antioxidants in almonds can protect cells from oxidative damage. Almonds have a high level of vitamin E which can create lower rates of heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. 

Since almonds have extremely high levels of magnesium they are beneficial and safe for diabetics to eat. Magnesium is responsible for 300 bodily processes such as controlling blood sugar, lowering blood pressure, and monitoring cholesterol levels. The protein and fiber in almonds increases the feelings of fullness — you eat fewer calories.

4. Yogurt

Yogurt has health benefits that range from protecting against osteoporosis to relieving irritable bowel and aiding digestion. The effectiveness of the nutrients depend on the type of yogurt consumed. Active living bacteria, known as probiotic are present in some yogurt. Probiotics help keep the intestines healthy. Calcium, vitamins B6 and B12, riboflavin, potassium, and magnesium have beneficial qualities.

5. Eggs

Eggs offer a large quantity of protein making them the ideal breakfast food for weight management if you are trying to lose weight. They are a valuable source of Vitamin D. This vitamin helps decrease incidents of osteoporosis and rickets. There are different amounts of vitamin D in eggs from free-range, organic or indoor raised chickens. 

6. Milk

Milk has nine essential nutrients that benefit our health. Calcium is essential for maintaining bone mass and building healthy bones and teeth. Protein repairs muscle tissue and a great source of energy. Potassium ensures that your blood pressure levels are stable. Phosphorus and Vitamin D works with calcium in strengthening our bones and generating energy. Vitamins B12 & A are responsible for our cells, nerve tissue, and immune system. The other two nutrients Riboflavin (B2) and Niacin converts food into energy by metabolizing sugars and fatty acids. 

7. Fresh-squeezed fruit juice

Freshly squeezed fruit juice helps hydrate busy children and their parents. When buying juice from the store make sure the juice has a low sugar content. The best way to get the range of minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals found in fruit juice is by squeezing fresh fruit. 

8. Cheese

Cheese made from milk that comes from pure grass-fed animals has a high amount of nutrients such as vitamins A and B12, zinc, phosphorus, riboflavin, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin K2. Cheese is also a good source of protein, fat, and calcium. As with milk, eating cheese can help keep teeth strong and healthy.

9. Salmon

Salmon is widely consumed because of its amazing health benefits. This popular fatty fish is not just tasty; it’s also packed with tons of nutrients and essential omega acids. One benefit of salmon is its potential to reduce risk factors associated with several diseases. It has similar health benefits to other foodstuffs already mentioned.

10. Butter

Butter’s nutritional benefits have been a matter of controversy for many years. Some nutritionists argued that the large measure of saturated fat in butter blocks arteries creating a higher risk of heart disease. On the other hand, butter is a good source of essential nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin E, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, and phosphorus. These nutrients are beneficial for skin health, immune function, healthy vision, the fight against free radicals, and many more impressive health benefits. Therefore, this dairy product should be part of a well-balanced diet. Due to the high saturated fat it is better to consume butter in moderation.

Parting Words

A reliable fridge freezer will help keep these superfoods in peak condition so they can benefit every part of the human body. The recommended amount of dairy products that will give you the full benefit of all the essential nutrients is three servings a day. Eating a mix of other healthy heart fats found in avocados, nuts, and fatty fish may cut the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart problems.


Resources — Parents, Healthy Chef, Good House Keeping, Healthline, Medical News Today BBC Goodfood, Fruit Juice Matters


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