Tips for Coping with Panic and Anxiety During COVID-19

The Coronavirus outbreak is turning out to be our worst nightmare. It has brought everyday life to a halt all over the world. People all over the world have lost their jobs, loved ones, valuables, family, and a lot more due to this virus. With over a million deaths till now, this virus is continuing to spread.

Though everyone reacts differently to this virus, panic and stress are a bigger problem now.

Limit Watching News

The Coronavirus is undoubtedly the most talked-about thing this year. Every time you turn the TV on, you are most likely to see most headlines are about this pandemic. Every time you hop on social media, your feed is most likely to be flooded with coronavirus updates. These pieces of news surround you in a way that you keep thinking about the virus and its brutal effects. This can be very intimidating.

Most psychologists suggest limiting your exposure to the news during this time. Constant updates about the coronavirus can cause stress and anxiety even in fully healthy individuals, let alone the ones that are suffering already. But that doesn’t mean you need to quit watching news. In fact, it’s quite important to stay updated. Try to watch the news only once a day and at maximum twice a day, but not more than that.

Another thing you should be aware of is fake news. We all know people are shocked by the news during this pandemic. So, many people are spreading misleading or false information about coronavirus to gain attention. Not only can these pieces of information trigger panic attacks, but they can also be extremely dangerous if followed or believed.

Because we can’t stop all these portals or media at once, the viewers need to be very careful about what they believe or follow. Always try to get news from reliable and renowned media portals.

Seek Help

If you ever feel overwhelmed or panicked, remember you are not alone. People all over the world are suffering. You are not the only one who is getting stressed or panicked. So don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Talk to your family members and friends. Let them know how you feel. Expressing your feelings and releasing negative thoughts can help you feel better.

If that doesn’t help, make sure to reach out for professional help. You don’t need to go anywhere to get help. Therapists all over the world are helping patients through online counseling. You can easily register for counseling from the comfort of your home.

If you are unable to control your stress and anxiety, you can try CBD oil. Using CBD oil for stress is very common nowadays. It can ease the neural activity in stress areas in the brain. Therefore, the stress is relieved. But make sure to consult your doctor before using it.

Look After Yourself

It is said that our mental and physical health is interconnected. So if you are not feeling well physically, you will feel a bit low mentally as well. So, taking care of yourself is an easy way to boost your mood. Not only will this keep you motivated, but it will also help boost your immunity which is vital in this situation.

Remember to be very kind to yourself, especially if you are suffering from stress or anxiety. Remember when you are suffering from stress or feeling overwhelmed or anxious, it is very normal to notice some behavior changes. It may affect your concentration, and you may lose interest in things you used to like. But don’t stress out. Keep calm and believe that this too shall pass.

Try to maintain a fixed routine. Because we are not going anywhere and we have a lot of time and very little to do, daily routines may get changed. But don’t worry, you can get it back on track with some effort. Try to make a fixed routine, and finish all your chores in that fixed time.

One more important thing is to eat healthy during this time. Make sure to have a colorful meal. This will make sure you get all the essential nutrients from fruits and vegetables. Not only will this make you feel good physically and mentally, but it will also boost your immune system. Avoid alcohol consumption as this will only make things worse.

Do What You Love

A very common problem is that people get scared about the fact that there is very little in their hands as there is no confirmed medication or vaccine yet for COVID-19.  Another common problem is because everyone is stuck at home, they have free time to think, and the only thing that comes to their mind is the coronavirus. The solution to both of these problems is to engage in something they love to do.

If you think practically, there is no use of wasting your time thinking about something that is not in your hand. Moreover, because you have a lot of time, try to use that time to learn something new or to practice something you love to do. In our hectic day to day life, we don’t get time to explore our creativity or to gain new skills. Why not use this time to do that?

Stay Connected

In this pandemic, the best way to help others is to stay away from them. This is known as social distancing. But you need to stay away from people physically not virtually. We can’t meet or visit people personally, but we can surely stay in touch with them virtually.

Make sure to stay connected with your family, friends, and everyone dear to you. Maintain a healthy relationship. Make video calls, conferences, or even virtual meetups. Staying connected with your loved ones will keep you motivated and prevent depression.

To Sum Up

Coronavirus is a global pandemic. People all over the world are suffering from its effects. Today, this virus has bought most countries to a halt. It couldn’t have affected the world in a worse way. In this terrible situation, it is totally normal to get stressed or panicked. However, following the steps mentioned above will surely help you calm down.