People eating lunch

How to Make Smart Diet Choices During COVID-19

The emergence of the novel coronavirus has left many of us housebound. With many businesses shifting to remote work and schools going virtual, both adults and children have taken to spending a lot more time at home. Unfortunately, we don’t always make the best dietary choices when stuck at home for extended periods. Furthermore, since a fair number of us no longer venture out into public on a consistent basis, we may no longer feel as strong a desire to maintain a healthy weight. While making smart nutrition decisions during this period may present a bit of a challenge, maintaining a healthy diet throughout the current crisis is far from impossible.

Limit the Amount of Junk Food You Buy

When in poor spirits or faced with excessive downtime, many of us seek relief in comfort food. While there’s nothing wrong with the occasional indulgence, going down this well too often can lead to weight gain, poor self-image, and other health issues. You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t regularly deal with the temptation to make poor dietary choices. While there are many ways to stave off junk food cravings, simply limiting the number of unhealthy foods you keep on hand can prove quite effective. If you sit with a craving long enough, it will eventually pass, and the less junk food you have in the house, the less likely you are to answer that craving. Enjoying junk food in moderation is much easier when you only have a moderate amount of it within easy reach.

Place Restrictions on Takeout

There’s no denying that small businesses have been hit hard by the pandemic, with many restaurants feeling the sting. Since dining out isn’t a safe option at the current time, many of us have opted to order takeout in order to support our favorite eateries. While this is a great way to support local businesses during a tough time, ordering takeout too often can be bad for both your personal finances and general health. This isn’t to say that you should never order in, but as is the case with junk food, moderation is key. For example, limiting yourself to one takeout meal per week will help keep your finances intact, pave the way for healthier eating decisions and provide you with something to look forward to. After all, the more you order takeout, the less of a treat it becomes.

Additionally, when perusing your takeout options, look for restaurants that offer health-conscious menus. If you’re unclear about a certain dish’s nutritional value, don’t be afraid to ask.

Try Your Hand at Health-Conscious Recipes

If you’re looking for a fantastic way to spend your downtime constructively, why not enhance your culinary skills? With restaurant visits currently out of the question, now is the perfect time to try your hand at some new recipes. Fortunately, there’s no shortage of health-conscious recipes and cookbooks floating around the web. In addition to new recipes, you may also have success experimenting with meal substitutes. For example, shakes made with vegan protein powder taste great and will leave you feeling full.

Find Ways to Avoid Eating Out of Boredom

Oftentimes, when we think we’re hungry, we’re actually just bored. While eating is essential to living, it generally shouldn’t be viewed as a way to alleviate boredom. That being the case, it’s recommended that you find enjoyable ways to occupy your time if you’ve come to regard eating as a leisure activity. While your options may seem fairly slim during a pandemic, there are countless ways to entertain yourself at home in the digital age. Whether it’s an at-home workout, date with the television or a good book, have a plan in place for the next time a boredom-induced craving hits.

Even in the best of times, sticking to a healthy diet can be an uphill battle. No matter how much willpower you possess, temptation seems to lurk around every corner. For many of us, this has proven doubly true during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, since eating smart can be highly beneficial to one’s physical health and mental wellbeing, making the right dietary choices is particularly important right now. Should you experience problems in this area, remember to consider the previously discussed measures.