Woman doing an outdoors physical challenge

8 Easy Ways To Test Your Physical Strength

Kids in school have their fitness levels assessed on a regular basis. However, once individuals reach adulthood, one’s strength and agility become less of a concern. The focus turns out to be a productive member of society. Sadly, as a result, many people find they are out of shape, and it is having a negative impact on their health. How can you test your strength to see if you need to improve in this area? The following are some of the many ways you can achieve this goal.

1. Chin-Ups

A dreaded exercise in the eyes of many, chin-up exercises is great ways to test your strength. A person should be able to do at least one chin-up at bodyweight, but three reps would be considered average. Men who are strong can do three chin-ups at bodyweight with an extra 50 pounds added on.

2. Chair Stand

Seniors are often tested on their strength using the chair stand assessment. Sit in a chair with no arms and cross the arms at the wrists before bringing the arms close to the chest. Stand up and sit down as many times as you can in 30 seconds. Men in their early 60s should be able to stand up 14 to 19 times in 30 seconds. Women should be able to do so 12 to 17 times.

3. Axe Throwing

A popular new sport with many, axe throwing is an excellent way to test your strength. No special skills are needed to participate in this sport, and the venue offering the throwing provides the equipment. Be sure to check out axe throwing near me to see if this is an activity you would like to take part in regularly.

4. Standing Broad Jump

Remember the standing broad jump from gym class? There’s a reason this activity is included in many strength tests. It provides information about your raw power because it requires the use of several muscle groups. See how far you can jump today and aim to improve that number over time.

5. The Plank

Core body strength is needed for everyday activities. An easy way to test your core strength is to do the plank. See how long you can hold this position and build up over time. Start with 15 seconds if that is all you can do and work up to holding the plank for two minutes.

6. Bench Press

Can you lift your body weight? This is what a bench press strength test measures. Before engaging in this test to see how strong you are, make sure you have a spotter assisting. If you run into any difficulties, a spotter will be of great help.

7. Pinch Test

Your hands and forearms need to stay strong as you get older to carry out basic activities. The pinch test measures the strength of these two areas. Obtain a pinch gauge or pinch meter to see how you measure up here.

8. Push-ups

Boys love to show off their arm strength by doing push-ups in school. However, many men never do another push-up after leaving high school. Try to do some push-ups today. See how many you can do in three minutes. If the number is less than 54, this is an area you need to work on. Extremely fit men will be able to do 110 or more in this time period.

Parting Words

Try these tests today to see how strong you truly are. Many people find they are strong in one area and weak in another. With this information, you can develop a training plan to ensure you are strong overall and can live the fullest life possible while engaging in activities you enjoy.

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