8 Foods That Help Your Body Heal

Whether you’re ill or healthy, the foods you consume play a significant role in your body’s condition. We consider healthy food as the medicine we give to our bodies every day. It doesn’t have the power to cure your illness entirely, but it’ll help speed up recovery and healing.

Many foods have been shown to reduce inflammation, promote healing, boost the immune system, and act as fuel to support your daily activities. 

Here are 8 foods that will help your body heal.

1. Eggs

If you had undergone recent surgery, your body would demand a fair amount of protein for it to heal faster. Eggs contain about 6 grams of protein per large eggs that weigh at least 50 grams. 

Plus, these eggs aren’t limited to only providing protein; they also contain other vitamins and minerals necessary for recovery and healing. Specifically, vitamin A, B12, iron, and zinc are found in eggs, and they play a vital role in boosting your immune system.

2. Vegetables

Even as kids, we’re already taught that vegetables are the healthiest foods we need to consume. Vegetables are proven to enhance immune function, hasten wound healing, and decrease inflammation. These health benefits are significant when it comes to a person’s recovery.

Vegetables, especially the green leafy ones, contain a fair amount of vitamins, including folate, magnesium, and manganese. They also act as antioxidants that help us get rid of the unwanted toxins in our bodies. The fiber they contain also helps the digestive system to function appropriately.

These vegetables are also an excellent source of vitamin C, which is essential in wound healing and boosting the immune system. So, if you’re recovering from wounds or surgeries, then this healthy choice of food is right to go.

3. Bananas

Bananas have been known to contain potassium needed to combat electrolyte imbalance. They’re also responsible for not letting your small immune system absorb them immediately because of the resistant starches they contain. Bananas are excellent in resolving diarrhea or any electrolyte imbalance caused by digestive problems. 

4. Honey

Bees aren’t the only ones loving honey. Aside from its sweetness, honey plays a significant role in keeping your body healthy. It’s been proven to reduce inflammation and soothe pain while killing bacteria. Honey is also packed with the right vitamins and minerals. You can use it to treat your stubborn cough too. This healthy food suppresses cough and provides more additional health benefits. 

5. Salmon

Salmon is a healthy fish packed with vitamin B, protein, selenium, iron, zinc, and omega-3 fats. The omega-3 fats it contains can contribute a lot to improving people’s health condition with cardiovascular problems. Omega-3 fats are known to enhance immune response, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. These claims are supported by a study in 2017. 

However, some surgeons contradict the benefits of fish oil supplements, so it’s best to consult your physician before consuming salmon.

6. Organ Meats

It’s no doubt how healthy organ meats are. They contain vitamin A, iron, zinc, and B vitamins. They’re also a good source of protein necessary for healing and copper, promoting the production of connective tissue and collagen. Organ meats are packed with supportive nutrients that will promote overall health and well-being. 

7. Herbal Tea 

If you’re from England or China, you’d know that herbal tea isn’t just for providing calmness and tranquility in your day. Herbal teas are also used to aid in healing. For instance, good peppermint tea or chamomile tea will help you soothe your throat by just sipping a warm cup of it. If you want another one that helps reduce inflammation, you can try a raspberry-flavored tea. Depending on your needs, make sure to choose a herbal tea that’s decaffeinated so you’ll still be able to enjoy your deep slumber. 

8. Shellfish

Oysters, mussels, and clams are loaded with nutrients that may aid in recovery. One of these nutrients includes zinc, which plays a crucial role in promoting healthy immune function, wound healing, and overall recovery. Shellfish can also be prepared in various ways, and they taste very appetizing, which makes them not difficult to consume and enjoy. 

Other Effective Ways to Promote Healing

Healthy foods aren’t the only ones responsible for faster healing. Other effective ways can promote healthy immune function, inflammation reduction, and faster healing and recovery. These ways are proven to provide therapeutic benefits that will support your other healthy routines. 

Here’s what you need to know. 

  • Proper Sleep – Having at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep may also promote healing. When you are asleep, your body starts to work on its way to recovery. The processes in your body will become faster to achieve repair and regeneration. A study revealed that poor sleep could affect your hormones, exercise performance, and brain function negatively. 
  • Red Light Therapy Red Light Therapy is an alternative regimen known to help in recovery by reducing pain and inflammation. It’s a safe, non-invasive, painless, and affordable regimen that’s gaining more popularity as days pass by. 
  • Hydration – Proper hydration is just as important as eating healthy foods. It’s crucial in every aspect of healing. Aside from cleansing your body of the toxins that must be removed, proper hydration also maintains your daily functioning.
  • Exercise – If you plan to live up a healthier lifestyle, you must consider getting adequate exercise. However, if your body still needs more time and patience in recuperating, don’t force it. You have to ask your therapy which exercises are right for you to speed up recovery. 

The Takeaway

Consuming healthy foods is a secret to boost recovery and healing. Although many have heard of this many times, the need to know which healthy foods to consume still needs to be exposed and promoted. 

Healthy foods act as the fuel that will help speed up our bodies’ processes to promote repair and regeneration. These healthy foods may not be the cure, but the impact they bring to our health is beyond immeasurable. 

However, we must not only rely on healthy foods alone. There are other effective ways to help our bodies recover faster. These effective ways include getting adequate sleep, alternative treatments such as red light therapy, hydration, and proper exercise. 

When we combine all of these effective strategies, we’ll find ourselves clinging to the possibility of getting healed in no time.