Woman measuring her waist outside

5 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight On The Keto Diet

It’s a well-known fact that losing weight is not a piece of cake. You need to have discipline and work hard in order to achieve your ultimate dream bod. The keto diet has become all the rage these days thanks to endless promotions by influencers and brands. That is because a lot of people and even celebrities have used Keto to reach their ideal weight.

The ketogenic diet is a diet largely based on limiting the intake of carbohydrates. Our bodies break carbohydrates down into sugar glucose for energy. Therefore, if our body doesn’t have enough carbs, our body goes into a state of ketosis, wherein the body will utilize fat for energy. As a result, your body breaks down fat cells, which helps you look leaner.

Are you on a keto diet right now but not seeing any weight loss? Our team at BiomedJ has prepared a list of 5 reasons why this could be happening. Check it out below!

Reason #1: You are still eating too many carbs. 

Dry whole wheat rotini pasta

One of the main reasons you may not be losing weight on the keto diet is that you’re still consuming too many carbs. To be able to reach ketosis, you must dramatically reduce carbohydrate intake. It is recommended that you limit your intake of carbs to about 5 percent of your total caloric intake.

Reason #2: You are consuming too many calories. 

To be able to lose weight effectively while in a keto diet, you must also reduce your caloric intake either through diet or exercise. You will not lose weight on the ketogenic diet if you consume more than your recommended daily value of calories. Keto-friendly foods such as nuts, avocados, olive oil, and full-fat dairy have high-calorie content; thus, it is important not to consume too much. So when following this regimen, try to avoid snacking, increase your physical activity, and limit portion sizes to get rid of excess pounds. As a last resort, you can try supplements like Perfect Keto to help you adapt to a keto-based meal plan.

Reason #3: You have unrealistic expectations. 

It’s totally normal for people to go on a diet and expect changes in the mirror right away. However, this is simply not realistic. Weight loss varies from person to person; some people can lose weight faster, while others do so more slowly. If you’re slower at losing weight, don’t worry. Losing weight slowly and consistently is actually the best way to ensure you keep it off long-term. A healthy rate of weight loss is ~1-3 pounds per week. If you stay on track, you’ll lose those extra pounds over time. 

Reason #4: You are constantly stressed out and not getting enough sleep.

The word "stress" written in red pencil

According to research, stress and lack of sleep can adversely affect your weight loss journey. When you are stressed, your body releases cortisol which triggers your body to store fat, especially around your abdomen. Also, not getting enough sleep will increase your appetite through ghrelin and leptin, hunger-regulating hormones. There are many things you can do to reduce stress, including deep breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, and putting your phone down at night. 

Reason #5: You have an underlying medical condition. 

A lot of people who follow the ketogenic regimen can attest to diet’s effectiveness when done properly. If you’re following the tenets of keto closely but still don’t see any changes, you could have an underlying medical condition. Conditions like Cushing’s syndrome, Hyperinsulinemia, Hypothyroidism, and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can cause weight gain. So, if you happen to have one of these conditions, don’t lose hope. By managing your condition, adapting your lifestyle, and changing your diet, you can still achieve your goal weight.


These are some of the reasons why your ketogenic diet might fall short. To reach your dream weight, make sure you get enough rest, reduce stress, eat low-carb and low-calorie food, and exercise regularly. Before making any changes to your lifestyle, trying a new diet, or taking new supplements, make sure you check with your doctor.

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