Woman looking at her new dental implant at the dentist's office

All You Need to Know About Dental Implants

Are you feeling pains in your tooth or some other issues relating to your oral health and you do not know what to do? There is a possibility that you need a dental implant. This is a procedure that will go a long way to relieve you of pain for a long time.

In this article, we will be looking at when you may need this implant, the procedures, benefits you can derive, and the risks involved.

When Might this Procedure be Required?

If you’re still wondering whether or not you need a dental implant, here are some signs that may mean you need one:

  1. Missing tooth or teeth
  2. Weak jawbone
  3. Difficulty in speech
  4. Discomfort and pain in the gum
  5. Inability to chew food
  6. Loose partials or loose dentures
  7. An infected tooth
  8. Loose dental bridge
  9. You have a severely cracked or broken tooth

Procedures Involved in Dental Implantation

This is a surgical process that requires adequate planning and preparation. Therefore, it requires patience. You should understand that people have different peculiarities. So, you need to understand your body system before going for it.

First, you need to consult your dentist. This is a particularly important step to determine a specific treatment plan that will be best for you. At this point, if you have any underlying health condition like diabetes, your dentist will put that into consideration. Also, this will help to prepare you physiologically, physically, and emotionally for the surgery.

Next, on the fixed date, several anesthetics will be administered to reduce or numb the pain that you will experience. With the improvement in health technology, there is virtually no pain at all during surgeries.

After this, the surgery begins with the extraction of any damaged or decayed tooth in the spot. Most times, there is a need for extracting residues remaining in the gum. This will help to provide a firm base for the implant. However, the spot requires time to heal up completely before an actual implant can be done. This could take up to 20 weeks or more.

Subsequently, the implant proper can be carried out. It involves the insertion of a titanium fixture into the jawbone. This fixture looks like a tiny root-like metal object that can provide support to your jawbone and bone socket. As a result, the dental implant fuses into the jawbone between a period of 1-2 months. This process is called osseointegration.

Finally, after the fusion, the jawbone becomes strong to receive a tooth replacement. You can decide to make specific impressions or modifications on your new tooth to suit your needs. Also, dental fixtures can be used for more than one tooth.

Given the importance of this procedure, it is heart-warming to know that it can be gotten practically anywhere. You can get dental implants in Plantation Florida, Valley Streams in NY and many other cities around the country.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Over the years, these implants have proven to be beneficial in several ways. Some of these ways include:

1. Makeover

They can act as alternative replacement for missing or decayed teeth. It feels like replacing a car part with a new one. As a result, you can get new, shiny, spotless, and beautiful teeth when you’re done. You do not need to feel bad about the way your teeth appear; there is a way out.

2. Comfort

They remove the discomfort that accompanies maintaining removable dentures. You do not have to pass through extra stress because they are now fused to become part of your teeth. So, all you need to do is to brush, floss, and use mouthwashes to maintain healthy teeth.

3. Durability

Unlike removable dentures, dental implants can last for about 5 years and beyond. Sometimes, they can even last for a lifetime if they are properly taken care of and maintained. You stand a chance of getting maximal value for your money by getting a dental fixture. It is indeed a worthwhile decision.

4. Increased Speech Proficiency

Dental fixtures can save you the embarrassment of lisping or slurring your speech. Removable dentures can be displaced at a critical time while you are speaking at an event or in public. So, a dental implant can give you the confidence and assurance you always need to speak without the fear of dental displacement.

5. Increased Flexibility

These implantations are flexible. They allow you to eat, drink, or bite whatever you want without fear. This is because it feels like your real teeth even though it has artificial roots. Therefore, you can get your smile, boldness, and happiness back by implanting a fixture to your missing tooth.

6. Oral Health

They help to boost your oral health. Infections can easily be transferred from an infected tooth to a non-infected one. Therefore, deciding to have an implant will reduce the risk of infection in your teeth. This will go a long way to improve your oral health.

You can click on https://www.medicinenet.com/dental_implants/article.htm to find out other benefits of dental implantation.

Possible Risks to be Aware of

Woman getting her teeth checked out by the dentist

This implantation is not devoid of risks. If it is not done properly, it can result in the following:

  1. Inflammation along the gums, jawbones, and bone socket. This can also spread to another surrounding tooth.
  2. Tissue infections, which are also known as per-implant is caused by bacteria infection
  3. Gum disease
  4. Incessant pain because of negligence during surgery
  5. Excessive bleeding

These risks can be curbed by adequate planning and due consultation with professional dentists who are experts in the field. This will help to predict unforeseen circumstances as well as offer solutions before they occur.

You may want to read this article to find out other risks that are associated with dental implantation.


Having discussed extensively what you need to know about dental implants, it is important to note that it is a lasting solution to tooth related problems. You do not need to worry about where to get one, they are readily available in dental clinics.

Also, you need to always have a routine schedule for regular oral check-ups. So, take that bold step. Ensure you do not engage in habits that are detrimental to your oral health. Treat your teeth with the utmost care.