5 Tips To Keep Your Patients Happy

Keeping your patients happy is essential if you want them to stay with you. An unhappy patient is more likely to go elsewhere. This is the last thing that you want, but the good news is there are things you can do to keep your patients happy.

Make Sure your Patients Can Contact You

One thing patients dislike is not being able to contact their practice. Do what you can to ensure someone can always get in touch with you. If your phone lines are busy make sure they can leave you a message. Alternatively, you could always give them an option to email you.

Remind Your Patients of Their Appointments

Some patients will genuinely forget about their appointments. This means that they are less likely to get the care they need. Did you know that healthcare reminder systems can serve as a reminder to your patients? In addition to this, they also show the patient that you care about them, and this speaks volumes.

Train Your Staff Frequently

Occasionally, your receptionists are your patient’s first point of contact. This means they should always be polite and professional. They should also know how to deal with angry or upset patients effectively. Ensure that you train your staff frequently so they know how to deal with your patients. Remember, a happy patient is much more likely to return.

Consider Extending Your Hours

There’s almost nothing worse than not being able to get an appointment. While many appointments take place during the day, not everyone will find them suitable. For example, anyone who works from 9 am to 5 pm might not be able to reach your practice during your opening times. You should, therefore, consider extending your hours.

Let’s imagine that your practice stays open until 7 pm a few days a week. These extra hours can make a lot of difference to those who would ordinarily struggle. In addition to this, staying open for longer can help to retain and attract patients.

Keep Your Practice Clean and Tidy

You should aim to keep your practice as clean and tidy as possible. Your patients need to know that their health is important to you. An untidy and dirty practice does not set a good example.

Make sure you have someone clean all areas of the practice at least once a day. They should clean all surfaces, empty bins, vacuum floors, and tidy those magazines. The cleaner and tidier your practice is, the better your reputation will be.


If you would like to retain as many patients as possible, you should consider all of the above tips. Make sure your patients can get in touch with you, and be sure to remind them of their appointments. Train your staff so they’re good with your patients, and consider extending your hours. Finally, please make sure you keep your practice clean and tidy. You’ll soon find that more of your patients are likely to stick with you, and that’s always a good thing.