Man with an upset stomach, hands on his stomach area

5 Everyday Tips to Keep Your Gut Healthy & Happy

Stomach problems are one of a kind. Whether it is bloating, gastritis, constipation, indigestion, or an upset stomach, gut discomfort can keep us from concentrating on our work. A healthy and happy stomach makes our lives better and increases our productivity. 

So, is it possible to have a trouble-free stomach all the time? While we can’t promise anything, making these five changes to your lifestyle can help. After all, stomach happiness brings mind happiness.

Know the Cause of Your Discomfort

There are many causes of digestive problems. If you have been suffering from digestive issues for more than a week or two, you might consider consulting your doctor to get a professional perspective. 

Sometimes, you may be allergic to certain kinds of beverages like coffee, carbonated beverages, or other dairy products. Indeed, being conscious about your eating habits helps you get rid of digestive troubles.

However, the below-mentioned tips can work wonders if followed with consistency and without fail. You can also test acupressure points for digestive problems, which is an increasingly popular method for resolving gut issues. 

With that said, let’s check out our top 5 tips for preventing gut problems!

Tip #1: Eat foods that are rich in fiber 

Having a regular bowel movement is the first step towards having a happy and healthy gut. Studies show that an increased intake of dietary fiber can increase the frequency of stools.

The average intake of dietary fiber should be 25 to 30 grams a day according to the American heart association but an average American adult takes only 15 grams of fiber in a day. 

Increasing the intake of fiber is very simple. You can choose various fiber-rich sources like strawberries, raspberries, avocados, pears, bananas, broccoli, carrots, artichokes, beets, kidney beans, oats, quinoa, lentils, Brussel sprouts, and chickpeas. 

Getting enough fiber not only supports gut health but also decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and keeps the blood sugar levels in control. 

Tip #2: Include more probiotics in your diet 

Probiotics are good bacteria that can improve your overall digestive health, boost immunity, and help in the eradication of harmful bacteria. You can check out a detailed guide to the health benefits of probiotics here.

One of the best probiotics for gut health is Lactobacillus. This can be obtained from yogurt and some fermented foods. 

There are various species of probiotics that are found in other foods like kefir, tempeh, yogurt, kombucha, kimchi, buttermilk, and cheese. They not only benefit the gut, but also improve heart health, help one get rid of depression, and can support healthy, glowing skin.

If you cannot get good bacteria naturally from foods, you can also get them through various probiotic supplements.

Tip #3: Make a Habit of Doing Yoga 

A sedentary lifestyle can directly contribute to digestive problems. 

Apart from digestive troubles, lack of physical activity is known to cause cardiovascular problems, risk of chronic diseases, and obesity.

If you’re considering becoming more active, you might want to consider yoga. Yoga has significant digestive benefits; it can help relieve gas, reduce abdominal pain, and aid in the absorption of micronutrients.

You can start with Surya Namaskar (sun salutations) and continue with other poses like the wind-relieving pose, the frog pose, the bow pose, and the boat pose. You might also consider practicing Kapalabhathi, which is known to support blood circulation and digestion. 

Tip #4: Drink Plenty of Water 

Water plays an essential role in digestion. Being well hydrated supports the stomach in breaking down food and absorbing nutrients. Staying hydrated also improves the regularity of bowel movements, thus further reducing gut discomfort.

If you don’t find plain water very appetizing, you can warm it up and squeeze fresh lime into it. Add a tablespoon of honey to make it sweet and healthy. 

Ensure that you drink this on an empty stomach, early in the morning to keep your gut clean and clear for the day ahead. Over the course of your day, continue drinking water at regular intervals so as to meet the daily requirement of 1.5-2 liters. 

You can also replace carbonated drinks with fresh fruit juices to make your digestion easy and effective.

Tip #5: Watch What You Eat 

Pay attention to the foods you eat over the course of the day. Doing so can help you understand which foods are “triggers” for gut discomfort. Many people keep a journal to record what they ate and when to help determine the irritant. One thing you can do is check out this easy Indian diet plan to manage your weight.

Fill your plate with less food but the right ones. On your plate, you should have foods that are rich in fiber, protein, and nutrients. Avoid eating foods with added sugars. Check out our great list of healthy foods here.

Replace bad foods with foods that are kinder to your gut. In particular, watch out for sugar. Sugar is often addictive and changes your hormone levels which leads you to overeat. Instead, look for whole grains, fresh fruits, leafy greens, beans, and lentils. 

Counting calories can help ward off overeating, which is a common cause of indigestion and bloating. Keep tabs on your meal plate so that you eat the right quantity of food. 

Parting Words

We hope you enjoyed reading our tips for a healthy gut. For your convenience, we’ve summed up the key takeaway points below.

  • Keep a food journal so you can determine which foods trigger discomfort.
  • Avoid spicy foods that can trigger gastric troubles. Excessive consumption of spicy foods can also cause ulcers. 
  • Do not wait until you are thirsty. Drink water throughout your day. 
  • Say no to fizzy drinks. Replace them with fruit juices, soups, and salads. 
  • Keep your stress under control. Stress, anxiety, and agitation can disrupt digestive health. 
  • Make a list of foods you are allergic to. Not all foods are stomach-friendly for everyone. For example, people suffering from celiac disease are allergic to foods high in gluten.

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