Two women wearing facial masks

Easy Tweaks to Your Routine That Can Make You Instantly Feel and Look Good

Aging can be both a boon and bane for you, depending on your perspective. However, sometimes, no matter what you do, it could get to you. As we age, our metabolism begins to slow down, and hormonal fluctuations occur. You may find yourself experiencing mood swings as a result of this, as well as a host of other symptoms such as an irregular sleep cycle, weight gain, and diminishing resilience.

Fret not as while these are inevitable consequences of aging, you can do little things to manage them. Here are some simple ways that you can adjust your current lifestyle to make yourself feel better, physically, and mentally.

  1. Get a facial.

Is your skin looking dull due to stress or occasional sleeping problems? How about treating yourself to a facial? Indulging yourself from time to time with a facial will allow you to relax your facial muscles and your body as well. Get a chemical peel while you’re at it to make sure that all those dead skin layers are removed. This will immediately bring back radiance and life to your skin. If you are looking to get a chemical peel, Utah has a number of premium cosmetic surgery clinics for you to choose from.

  1. You are what you eat.

If you are on the paler side, you can eat foods that can lend some color to your skin. Carrots and tomatoes, for instance, contain lycopene and beta-carotene, which both give you a natural tan. According to a Scotland study, skin color can change in just six weeks with more fruit and vegetables to one’s diet. What’s even better is that, by adding other “superfoods” such as spinach, olive oil, and sweet potatoes to your diet, you will also lose weight, speed up your metabolism, while gaining glowing and healthier skin.

Woman dancing in a field of flowers

  1. Dance like nobody’s watching.

Let’s face it: No one likes to exercise. However, it can hold the key to improving your overall health and well-being. If you don’t like to exercise, try dancing instead. Movement and music are big contributors to better mental health. In a study among senior adults in North Dakota, three months worth of Zumba classes have significantly helped improve the moods and memory of 65 to 91-year-old participants. The participants have also reported that they’ve become more flexible, stronger, and agile.

  1. Watch funny shows.

They say laughter is the best medicine. If watching thousands of Ted talks are no longer working for you, try watching a sketch comedy sitcom or standup routine on TV. According to, laughter can ease tension and stress, burn calories, and push your body to release endorphins — the body’s happy hormones. This is why a group of psychologists has legitimized it as a complementary mode of psychiatric treatment. The Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor (AATH) is an organization composed of therapists who employ the use of laughter in treating severe mental illnesses.

These are just some ideas on how you can easily lift your mood and improve your appearance, whenever you’re stuck in a rut. Remember that aging is a gift, and with it comes to experience, wisdom, and enlightenment. Don’t waste it by feeling sorry for yourself for a long time.

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