Glasses of water with fruit in it

6 Great Ways to Detoxify Your Body at Home

Detoxification is an important process that helps your body eliminate toxins easier and faster. Detox can be done by stimulating the function of the liver, cleansing your organs through fasting, improve the work of the metabolism, and consuming all the important nutrients. There are many ways to do it, such as taking detox supplements, exercising, taking multivitamins, eating healthy food, drinking plenty of water, and so on. 

You need to detoxify your body frequently, given the fact that the fast-paced lifestyle usually doesn’t allow any of us to take proper care of ourselves, which negatively affects our wellbeing. Namely, we eat junk food, sit the entire day at work, don’t drink enough water, and so on. As a result, we lack enough of the essential nutrients and our body doesn’t function properly. Therefore, over a period of time, we start feeling tired, nervous, our skin and hair lose their healthy glow, we gain weight, etc. In order to prevent and stop this, you need to detoxify your body more often. Here are the top 6 ways to do that.

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1. Cut Down on Sugar 

Sugar is one of the main reasons for gaining weight. In fact, sugary and processed foods are the source of most health problems today, such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and similar. Therefore, cutting down your sugar intake through eating fewer sweets and processed foods, will drastically help in cleansing your body from toxins. Plus, it will support the proper function of your body’s detoxification system. 

2. Reduce Salt Intake 

Apart from cutting down the consumption of sugar and processed foods, you should also cut down the consumption of salt. Eating foods high in sodium causes your body to retain excess water and fluid. And that can be one of the reasons for feeling bloaty and gaining weight (known as water weight).

Actually, there’s no reason to add salt to your food because most products contain natural sodium in them. Therefore, you need to stop adding salt to your food whenever possible or use more natural salt, such as the Himalayan salt. For instance, you can replace the salt in your salad with a slice of cheese, or you can add other spice instead of salt in your dishes.

3. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

You know the saying “you are what you eat”, so going by that rule eating healthy food means you are healthy. So, focus on eating fruits and vegetables as much as possible. For instance, include a salad with every meal or replace sugary treats with fruits (fruit salad). You can easily incorporate fruits and veggies in your diet by preparing veggie-based dishes, fruit and veggie smoothies, eating oatmeal, having fruits as a snack, and similar.

Vegetables with water

4. Eat Foods Rich in Prebiotics and Antioxidants

Speaking of fruits and vegetables, you should eat foods rich in prebiotics and antioxidants. Moreover, those foods rich in prebiotics ensure proper work of your detoxification system and support your gut health. Some of the foods rich in prebiotics include bananas, oats, asparagus, onion, garlic, and tomatoes. 

On the other hand, the foods rich in antioxidants, such as vitamins a, c, e, lutein, selenium, and lycopene, help your body fight oxidative stress and prevent the risk of certain diseases. Moreover, antioxidants protect your body cells from damage caused by free radicals. Some of the foods rich in antioxidants include most fruits, vegetables, green tea, coffee, nuts, spices, and cocoa.

5. Drink Plenty of Water

Having in mind that our body is made of 75% of water, it’s logical that you need water in order for your body to function properly. According to doctors and nutritionists, we should drink around 2-3 liters of water per day. We know that sometimes you don’t feel like drinking water but there are ways to increase your need, such as exercising (especially the cardio exercises), eating spicy food, drinking coffee, or taking a bit of cheese. If you don’t like drinking water that much, you can also drink unsweetened tea, natural juices, or flavored water which you can either buy or make it yourself by adding lemon, lime, or orange juice in the regular water.

6. Exercise

Being physically active not only helps you stay fit but also supports the function of your detoxification system. Namely, by exercising you eliminate the toxins from your body through sweat and you need to replenish the lost fluid by drinking water. Regular exercise also supports your health by reducing the risk of various diseases and health conditions, such as diabetes type 2, high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity.

Apart from the above-mentioned ways, you can also detoxify your body by limiting your alcohol intake and getting enough sleep. By limiting the alcohol intake, you improve the liver’s function, thus keeping your detoxification system healthy and strong. On the other hand, getting enough sleep ensures your body heals itself, recharges, and supports its natural detox.

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