Man doing Tai Chi

6 Reasons Why You Should Take Up Tai Chi 

These days, it seems like almost every person is practicing yoga. In fact, there are over 300 million yoga practitioners worldwide. And, between the years 2012 and 2016, the number of Americans practicing yoga grew by 50 percent. 

But, yoga isn’t the only mind-body practice worth taking up. A great alternative to yoga is Tai Chi. For those who don’t know, this ancient practice came from China and in its essence, it combines fixated movements at a slow pace accompanied by taking deep breaths. It’s rumored to have the same benefits as yoga both on your physical and mental well-being. But, what are some proven reasons that you should consider taking up Tai Chi? Check out this guide to learn about the advantages that this exercise can bring you. 

1. It Relieves Pain

At any given time, about 31 million Americans experience lower back pain. If you’re someone who experiences back pain or some other type of chronic ailment, then you’ve probably turned to painkillers for relief, bought a better mattress, etc. 

But, while painkillers can help, they can also come with negative side effects and can sometimes be addictive. If you’d like to avoid painkillers, then Tai Chi is a great alternative. It works to both strengthen your core muscles and relieve pressure from your back. There are plenty of pill-popping solutions out there, but we encourage you to explore some alternate treatments to help you relieve your pain without causing side effects. 

2. It Relieves Daily Stress

The movement, breathing, and mental concentration required by Tai Chi are perfect for those who lead a hectic lifestyle. The mind-body connection that Tai Chi provides is also very important, as studies show that body movement combined with breathing and hand-eye coordination can promote calmness and reduce the overall anxiety that we are subjected to nearly every day. 

3. Tai Chi Increases Stability 

Falls are a very common occurrence, unfortunately, especially in the elderly population. In fact, one in four Americans over the age of 65 experience a fall each year. Luckily, Tai Chi is an excellent activity for preventing the issues that eventually lead to a fall. In fact, a review in Clinical Rehabilitation found that Tai Chi significantly helped reduced falls in people with Parkinson’s disease. Another review found that Tai Chi practiced 1 to 3 times per week for 12 to 26 weeks reduced the incidence of falls by a staggering 43 percent. 

4. It’s for All Ages 

Another great thing about Tai Chi is that it can be practiced by anyone, at any age. This is not true for other exercises that you’re sometimes recommended. For example, if you have bad knees, running usually isn’t a good idea. Or, if you deal with back pain, you may not be able to weight lift. Because Tai Chi is a gentle form of exercise, you never have to worry about it straining your muscles or ligaments. 

5. It Builds Strength and Endurance 

Even though Tai Chi is a very low impact and gentle form of exercise, it can still help build your strength and endurance. In fact, one study had people in their 60s and 70s practice Tai Chi for 12 weeks, three times a week. After just 6 weeks of practicing Tai Chi, participants showed improvement in muscular strength, balance, flexibility, and endurance. 

6. It Helps Keep You In Shape

If you need a break from pounding the pavement for weight loss, then you should turn to Tai Chi. In fact, one study tracked a group of adults who practiced Tai Chi for 45 minutes, 5 times per week. At the end of three months, they found that the group of participants lost a little over a pound on average without making any additional lifestyle changes. 

As you can see, there are a lot of benefits to practicing Tai Chi. If you have any questions about Tai Chi and potential health benefits, please leave a comment below. 

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