Guide to Maintaining Good Health Over The Holidays

How do you stay in tip-top shape? Exercise and eat right—two things you likely will not be doing over the holidays. What you will be doing is traveling. This will open you up to many different illnesses which either aren’t local to your region or which haven’t come yet to your region.

If you’re in California and go to Wyoming, their “sickness cycle” is going to be behind. In California are international airports that shuffle people around from across the globe. As they travel, they bring their illnesses with them. An airplane is like an exposure test-tube which propounds illnesses.

Wyoming has virtually nobody visit the state. Accordingly, global trends in illness take longer to get there. You could be the “typhoid Mary”. Or, you could catch a strain your body’s already dealt with on the coast. Getting sick again won’t be as bad as the first time owing to learned immunities, but you’ll likely still not feel good.

Geographical Considerations
Something else to consider is geography. If you’re coming from the coasts to an area of elevation, you may experience sinus issues. Likewise, going from an area that’s high in elevation, to an area that’s low in elevation, may initiate the bodily reaction. Sinus issues can be serious and even affect hearing. For such issues, look into groups such as Apex Audiology.

Teenager blowing his nose

Generally prior travel, you should do a brief search of available healthcare solutions in the area where you’ll be. Oftentimes you won’t really be experiencing a life-threatening issue, but sometimes regional change can lead to health problems. If you’re coming from Colorado to Connecticut, it would make sense to consider groups like CT Sinus Center.

Another tactic to help you retain health as you are traveling involves supplementation. Vitamin C, Vitamin D, vitamin E, and Zinc represent key vitamin compounds your body needs. Also, such compounds give your immune system more strength, allowing you to rebuff illnesses at the microscopic level where before you couldn’t.

Before you travel, start supplementing. Maybe buy $10 worth of multivitamins in the “gummy” form, and put the jar in your travel bag. Get used to taking these supplements daily. Be careful when you travel that you avoid those who are sick. It may be wise to keep some alcohol-based hand sanitizer on your person if you must travel to an airport.

The Value Of Driving

It may be wiser simply to drive—provided the distance is 1,500 miles or less, and you’re staying with people for at least a week, costs and time involved are going to be similar. Think about it. For a flight, you’ve got to book it. That takes an hour. You’ve got to pack, three more hours. You’ve got to wake up super early to get to the airport on time; another four hours.

Now you’ve got the actual flight, that’s two to three hours. From there, you’ve got to get your luggage, that’s another hour. Now you’ve got to get a ride to your relatives or have them pick you up—yet another hour. Even though the flight is only two or three hours, around that flight you’ve got an additional ten hours or so to consider. Call it fifteen for the unexpected.

Packing will still take you three hours if you’re not flying, but you can ignore all the other stuff and leave on your own time in a car. You’ll likely spend an extra four or five hours on the road, but you’ll save money directly, and you can have an easier, more pleasant trip. It’s a bit more work, it’s a bit more time, but you avoid the possibility of getting sick at an airport.

An Illness-Free Holiday

Woman smiling around Christmas decorations

There are a lot of different ways to maintain your health over the holidays. Eating right and exercising are going to be hard when Christmas and Thanksgiving meals are put on the table. However, if you supplement, determine local healthcare solutions for the worst-case scenario, and travel strategically, you can avoid the lion’s share of potential illnesses. 


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